Hello, Bonjour, Hallo, Olá, Hola!
Meet the team, trust the team.
We are Bloobiz.We are an IT services company, active for more than twenty five years, specialising in the creation, development and assistance in the deployment of management solutions for SMEs.
At the beginning, we decided to develop a range of solutions in order to automate the various management processes of our own company. With the development of our company, our solution was progressively enriched with new functionalities, which are still being developed on a daily basis.
Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried to innovate
— Albert Einstein
Based in Luxembourg, our teams assist you in the realization of your projects. We offer you the assurance of a reinforced security, with servers located in Luxembourg.
14, avenue du X Septembre
2550 Luxembourg
+352 289 911 22
We know that there is always room for improvement in all areas. That's why we take into account all your mails and all your requests concerning different features. Every detail is important to us.
Our software continues to be developed every day, in order to always have new functionalities and to have an ERP software always more complete.
Bloobiz was originally developed for use within our company, so we wanted a complete system. Bloobiz is tested daily by the users themselves!
We started twenty years ago, and we won't be stopping here! Our team is well established and determined to give it all to keep on developing Bloobiz.
We like communicating, that's what we do. So click here to drop us a line, we’ll find an answer to your question, and a solution to your problem.
Project Manager
Project Manager
Graphic designer