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Customised reports for your company

Create all kinds of reports: for weekly meetings, commercial ones, progress reports... Bloobiz allows you to create totally flexible reports according to your activity.

Chart reports

Simple and intuitive

Elaborating a report is easy and intuitive: author and co-authors participate in content management together. Assigned users are notified to collaborate in the plan and can therefore take part in selecting relevant elements, add comments, change the order of elements, add important documents to be displayed, etc.

Customise your reports

Bloobiz allows you to add files as attachments or URLs, for example. With this amount of detail, you're guaranteed to get a complete report. You may also generate a basic or detailed PDF version of your report and print it if you wish to.

Tablet statistics

Get an overview of your to-do list

Integrated statistics, pictures, comments...

  • integrate diagrams generated by your statistics
  • select the projects and tasks covered by your report
  • manage users that are allowed to collaborate in creating your report
  • add remarks or comments

No missed details

No more lost information

The 'Reports' module allows you to create custom, comprehensive documents for your weekly meetings as well as management and progress reports, which you can later complement with the decisions taken during meetings. This means no more loose information on paper notes!